Blushing Beauty Bouquet
Celebrate elegance and charm with our Blushing Beauty Bouquet, a delightful arrangement of exquisite roses available in three sizes to suit any occasion. Each rose is carefully selected for its lush petals and radiant color, creating a bouquet that exudes sophistication and grace.
Size S – 15 Roses:
The small Blushing Beauty Bouquet features 15 stunning roses, perfect for intimate gestures of love and appreciation. This compact arrangement is ideal for expressing heartfelt sentiments and adding a touch of elegance to any space.
Size M – 20 Roses:
Our medium Blushing Beauty Bouquet boasts 20 vibrant roses, striking the perfect balance between simplicity and grandeur. This size is perfect for birthdays, anniversaries, or any celebration where you want to make a lasting impression.
Size L – 28 Roses:
For those special moments that call for an unforgettable statement, the large Blushing Beauty Bouquet includes 28 magnificent roses. This generous arrangement is designed to captivate and delight, making it the perfect gift for significant milestones and celebrations.
Each Blushing Beauty Bouquet is wrapped in premium, eco-friendly materials and tied with a satin ribbon, ensuring that your floral gift arrives in pristine condition. Let the Blushing Beauty Bouquet convey your emotions with timeless elegance and beauty, whether it’s a simple gesture of love or a grand celebration.
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